Carbon Intensity of the Economy

Portugal | 1995-2020

Carolina Mendonça and Eduardo Vitorino

Escola Superior de Arte e Design das Caldas da Rainha (ESAD.CR), Portugal

Carbon Intensity of the Economy

The Carbon Intensity of the Economy — Portugal 1995-2020 project's main purpose is to provide an interactive data visualization of the carbon intensity of all economic sectors in Portugal.

Carbon Intensity of the Economy

The project's dataset relates to the period between 1995 and 2020, which indicates "how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses are emitted, in tons, for each million euros of wealth created". Through the identification of the most polluting sectors, the user can understand which sectors should be taken into account to reduce the ecological footprint.

  • The goal of this project is to reveal, in a visual, intuitive, explanatory and interactive way, how the pollution levels caused by each of these sectors has evolved over 25 years.

  • Experience Carbon Intensity of the Economy
Carbon Intensity of the Economy Carbon Intensity of the Economy

This data visualization introduces a new way of interpreting and representing the data. It recodes the set of numeric values (data), into a visual, interactive and explainable narrative.

Carolina Mendonça

Born in 1999, in Lisbon, Portugal. She graduated from a BA in Multimedia Art at the Faculty of Fine-Arts of the University of Lisbon (2017-2020). Currently, she is on her last year of a second degree, now studying Graphic Design and Multimedia at School of Arts and Design of Caldas da Rainha (ESAD.CR).

Eduardo Vitorino

Born in 2000, in Santarém, Portugal. In 2020, he completed a Digital Media Design short program, in which he was first introduced to P5.js. At the moment, he attends a BA in Graphic and Multimedia Design, at School of Arts and Design, of Caldas da Rainha (ESAD.CR).

RECODE Online Exhibition

RECODE has admitted a resonance of the culture of the creative coding community as a plural movement of interpretation, reclaim, revisit, and/or resignification of artworks and fundamental practices of early computer graphics and art and its subsequent works through the usage of contemporary media, tools, and technologies.

We invite you to explore how artists, academics, researchers, and practitioners explored and interpreted the notion of recode in their works.

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