sense of wonder

Online exhibition

Submissions closed

PCD25@Porto invites artists, academics, researchers, professionals, and creators to submit individual or collective artworks that explore the Sense of Wonder.

Faced with a computer culture marked by the hybridization and overlapping of languages, media, and agents, how can wonder be (re)imagined and subverted? How have the computational tools and media we create reconfigured our communication, perception of time, and the complexity of things? How can a sense of wonder be used to question technological saturation and digital consumerism? 

Based on these (non-limiting) questions, we encourage submissions that explore the potential of algorithms, human-machine interactions, and/or digital systems to reflect on and provoke conceptual and sensory experiences of wonder.


Submissions should be made via the online form.

Proposals must be submitted in English and accompanied by an abstract of up to 300 words comprising a brief presentation of the formal, conceptual and technical aspects of the work. The authors should also highlight its alignment to the theme of the call "Sense of Wonder".

The submitted work must use any programming language or creative coding environment, in one of the development phases of the work/project development, either for the production of materials or for the final generation of the work.

Authors should provide a link from which the jury members will access the files / materials / documents related to their proposal (eg, github, dropbox, google drive). This link must be active during the entire period of the decision process (up to the exhibition opening date).

The materials/documentation submitted must be representative of the proposal. Please, keep in mind that this content will be used to compose the online exhibition.

Submissions are free of charge and authors can submit up to a maximum of 2 proposals.


Submissions can propose alternative ways (sound, tactile, haptic) of approaching the theme and as well use any type of materials, techniques or contents (illustrations, sounds, types, words, photography, etc). 

Submissions can be of static nature, such as posters or photographic sets, and/or of dynamic nature such as interactive or performatic projects.

Professional, or academic works, finished or work-in-progress (WIP) submissions are also welcome.

Main evaluation criteria

Quality (formal and conceptual), coherence and originality of the proposal.

Dialogue or articulation of the artwork with the theme “Sense of Wonder”.

Format of the materials or documents presented and its potential suitability for an online exhibition.

Please note that: upon good reception of the materials, the jury may require authors to present additional elements to validate or assess their submission.